Examples of client application screens: Homescreen and Community screen

We started our work by describing the entities and the relationships between them in the project, as the customer had no documentation of the system analytics

Examples of client application screens: Homescreen and Community screen

Some of concepts created by team

Start screen where user can see posts from his subscriptions and useful accounts near him. We used classic layout builded around focusing on content that could be interesting for user

Section with posts that may be of interest to the user in city or particular area depends of amount of people around.
It helps people to find something interesting around, especially when they travel around

Community screen — most important screen of the concept. User can find people around, meet a local businesses, find related communities, places to eat, entertain, education events and so on. Communities can be created by users or owners or by moderators of the app
We wanted person to see it as whole thing inside, so people can navigate through sections, use more complicated filters or see people and organisations who associate with it

Some examples of other screens